Monday, March 9, 2009


Now, he is reversing the ban on using embryonic stem cells. Is this crackpots only goal to undo EVERYTHING we've accomplished since George Washington? I've never seen anything like it...and I saw Jimmy Carter! This is so sad. obamas idiocy is showing.

Model Mayhem kicked ME out.....

I've been a member of model photography website "modelmayhem" since January 25th, 2008. It has been a tempestuous year, to say the least. The site has a "forum" section that I liked to visit, and, at last count, I had posted around 2,500 responses to threads, and started several of my own. Because of my outspoken nature, I was suspended for 4 3-day periods; one time for 4 days. THE problem is...that place is LOADED with cut throat Liberals who only want to hear from you IF you "go along"...well...I just cannot. I got tired of the total anti-Americanism on the site, and let it be well known where I stood. I must have REALLY hit a nerve with one of the Libs that moderate the forums, because I was KICKED OUT of the site this week...just after getting my 5,000th friend. THEY didn't seem to mind my conservative opinions...but, a few idiots did. Well, screw them, and especially Tyler, who claims to run the site.